Glass viscometers

Our glassblowers work to the highest standards of their craft. Every day, low thermal expansion borosilicate glass tubing is turned into PSL Rheotek glass capillary viscometers. All viscometers are calibrated in our UKAS accredited laboratory. Calibration is performed one step away from the Master Viscometer Scale giving you the highest level of traceability available.

Ubbelohde glass viscometer in constant temperature viscometer bath

Viscosity standards

Constant attention to the quality of laboratory work is key to reliable results. Using one of our certified viscosity standards enables you to verify your viscosity result with the highest level of confidence. Viscosity Oil standards are also suitable for calibration of a wide range of other types of viscometers.

Certified viscosity standard for kinematic viscosity

Viscometer baths

Tight temperature control is needed for all capillary viscosity work. In our range of constant temperature viscometer baths, you will find a model to suit your usage and your budget.

Semi-automated Viscometers

Repeat flow times measured automatically and viscosity results calculated. Automation of the measurement process.

Automated Viscometers

Automated flow time measurement, determination of viscosity result and automatic cleaning. All steps of the measurement carried out as detailed in the test method document.

Automated Kinematic Viscometer ASTM D445

Capillary Viscometers

Precision glass instruments. Capillary viscometers are still an important tool for carrying out Certificate of Analysis testing.

Master Viscometers are much longer than normal viscometers and require extra care and a patient mindset to calibrate them. Laboratory Technician from our calibration laboratory can testify to that.

Patience is the name of the game for 

– Liam Cooper