IV of PET, K-Value of PVC, viscosity testing of PP/PE
PSL Rheotek is your dedicated partner, offering state-of-the-art technology and expertise in solution viscosity testing. Send your samples to our laboratory in Essex, United Kingdom. Small and large batches welcome.
Polyamide, Polyethylene Terephtalate, PVC, PAN, Electrical Paper, Pulp & Cellulose, Hyaluronic Acid, PBT, PP, PE etc.
At PSL Rheotek, we redefine excellence in polymer solution viscosity testing. Our polymer applications laboratory is equipped with a full suite of PSL Rheotek Automated Polymer Viscometers ranging from manual loading models and up to the highest level of automation available in the marketplace.
Your polymer samples are the focus of our attention for polymer solution viscosity testing. We will assess the optimal way of performing viscosity tests for each type of sample as it is received in our laboratory. Test method protocols accommodated include ASTM D4603, ISO 1628 parts 1 to 5, ASTM D2857, ISO 307, ISO 5351, IEC 60450, ASTM D4243, ASTM D1243 and many more.
You have our support
If you do not know which method is appropriate for your sample when it comes to viscosity testing, we will be pleased to provide guidance based on decades of experience in the field of solvent based polymer viscosity testing. During manufacturing, research or quality control, using the solution viscosity testing services from PSL Rheotek will take assumptions and guesswork out of the equation.
Stay ahead of the competition by tapping into the benefits of using our cutting-edge automated viscometer systems to perform solution viscosity tests. The reported results will provide key data on your polymer to assist with optimising decision making in process control.
Crucially, results from our solution viscosity testing service will also allow you to verify the Certificate of Analysis data on incoming raw materials. And if the results from our viscosity testing will differ from the agreed upon data, you will be able to challenge your supplier and maintain a healthy and balanced commercial relationship.
Reasons to use the PSL Rheotek polymer testing services
- Challenge data of supplier Certificate of Analysis
- Monitor drop in IV caused by processing
- Capture IV of compounds
- Get accurate data on degradation of in-service polymers
You do not need to make the investment in solution viscosity measurement technology to obtain the data. There is no need to worry about hazardous solvents and challenging test protocols. Simply send the samples to us and we will process them in full compliance with international test methods as per ISO, ASTM, DIN, IEC or other.
You asked, we answered
I would like a quotation for testing samples. What do I do?
Simply send your enquiry to sales@psl-rheotek.com. To speed up the processing of the quotation, please clearly state type of polymer, number of samples and test method reference if this is known.
What is your turnaround time?
Typically the results will be ready within 1-2 weeks. However, if the laboratory is busy, it may take longer. We will confirm the current turnaround at time of quoting for the work.
How do I send the samples to you?
Shipping instructions will be included with the quotation. We generally recommend to ship the samples to us by courier. Please always remember to include the SDS for the material.
Can you test biopolymers as well?
We have tested a number of different biopolymers over the years. Please contact us on sales@psl-rheotek.com for a consultation. Our instrumentation is capable of accommodating manufacturer’s custom protocols. We routinely perform work covered by NDAs.
Can I come and visit your laboratory?
You are welcome to visit our polymer applications laboratory. Please get in touch by using our contact from or drop us an email on sales@psl-rheotek.com
Searching for custom instrumentation for your unique requirements?
Each PSL Rheotek viscometer system is configured for the owner! A wide variety of international test method protocols are readily available in the software and company specific method protocols are also supported.